Constructing Footings with Fox Blocks Foundations Header
Constructing Footings with Fox Blocks Foundations
Passive Solar ICF Home Plans
Passive Solar ICF Home Plans: Costs and Design Best-Practices
What Do You Mean You Havent Heard of an ICF
What Do You Mean You Haven’t Heard of an ICF?
Fox Blocks Inte­grat­ed Learn­ing Cen­ter’s (ILC) online train­ing pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive step-by-step prac­tices for ade­quate­ly installing insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICFs).
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ICF Home Plans are Versatile and Limitless in Design Options
Fox Blocks Scott Risinger Lath and Plaster explains ext finish on ICF.mts

Fox Blocks Scott Risinger Lath and Plaster explains ext finish on ICF.mts

Is installing ICFs a DIY project?
Fox Blocks rec­om­mends that all installers using Fox Blocks ICFs com­plete a Fox Blocks train­ing pro­gram to ensure they have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the basics. How­ev­er, for first time installers, it is pre­ferred that a Fox Blocks trained, expe­ri­enced installer inspect the instal­la­tion pri­or to place­ment of con­crete and assist in the place­ment of the con­crete, as they are famil­iar with work­ing with con­crete and can ensure the build is struc­tural­ly sound and safe and the walls are con­sol­i­dat­ed prop­er­ly, built straight and plumb.
What if my contractor doesn’t know how to build with it?
Fox Blocks offers the most com­pre­hen­sive installer train­ing in the indus­try. We can train your con­trac­tor or help you locate a trained installer in your area.