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8 Must-Haves for a Net-Zero Energy Home
A net-zero ener­gy home aims to make enough renew­able ener­gy to meet its own annu­al ener­gy con­sump­tion needs. These are 8 must-haves for a net-zero ener­gy home.
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Benefits of Using ICF for Tilt-Up Wall Construction
Construction Jobsite Sanitation
Construction Jobsite Sanitation: 10 Tips for Keeping Your Contractors Safe on a Jobsite
The Foundation of Construction: A Guide to Building Code Foundation Requirements
Fox 3
19 Important Features of an Energy Efficient Building
The New Canadian NBCC Code and ICFs Compared to Wood Framing
Building Beyond Code with ICF
While it may seem that hav­ing to com­ply with con­stant­ly-evolv­ing build­ing codes is just part of doing busi­ness in a mod­ern soci­ety, that’s not real­ly true.
5 Must-Haves for High Performance Building Envelope Systems
Fox 4
21 Construction Techniques to Build a Small, Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Home
Elevated homes
Designing for Disaster Protection and Storm-Proof Homes
Exte­ri­or wind dam­age is respon­si­ble for 25% of all home­own­er insur­ance claims. That doesn’t include the inte­ri­or loss­es that occur when dam­aged win­dows and roofs let rain wreak hav­oc inside. While we can’t pre­vent wind­storms, we can lessen their dam­age by plan­ning home designs with wind-resis­tance as a top pri­or­i­ty.