Party Wall Construction: Why ICFs Are the Best Option
Party wall construction plays a crucial role in the development of townhouses, condominiums, and duplexes. Party walls are strategically placed to separate individual units within a shared structure, to provide privacy, fire protection, and structural stability.

Designing for Earthquake-Resistance in a Commercial Building
Commercial contractors and their clients are showing a greater interest in designing buildings that can stand strong during natural disasters. In their quest for fortified materials, more of them are turning to ICF construction.

How to Build Medical Office Buildings Faster

Design Considerations for Horse Barn Construction with Modern Materials

Barn Construction Process and Materials: How to Build the Best Barn

From Efficiency to Durability: The Many Benefits of ICF Construction

The Anatomy of a High Performance Home
A modern, high-performance home provides you with energy-efficiency, safety, and a high-level of indoor environment quality (IEQ) for your family’s comfort.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Types of Concrete Blocks Used in Construction

8 Gorgeous Waterfront Homes Built with ICF
Waterfront homes are one of the most sought after properties in the country. Unfortunately, homes on the water face weather conditions and a climate that can be destructive to the home.

10 Cattle Barn Designs and Ideas to Optimize a Cattle Barn