Manpower for 9,000 SF of ICF Wall Cut in Half!
We com­plet­ed 9,000 square-feet of wall in just five days with only five men. With nor­mal mason­ry, it would have tak­en dou­ble the man pow­er. Fox Blocks qual­i­ty and ease of instal­la­tion is impor­tant in an indus­try where time is mon­ey.”
Is an ICF house faster to build?
The assem­bly and place­ment of con­crete may take the same time as to build with con­ven­tion­al meth­ods. The advan­tage with Fox Blocks is that the walls are now insu­lat­ed, have a vapor and air bar­ri­er installed and are ready for fin­ish­es once the win­dows and roof are installed. These ben­e­fits will save weeks and/​or months depend­ing on the size of the projects.
The objec­tive was to build a beau­ti­ful home on spec that was both ener­gy effi­cient and hur­ri­cane-resis­tant in a sought-after neigh­bor­hood in the Flori­da Pan­han­dle.
Highland Hero
Homeowner Saves Time and Energy by Choosing ICF
The own­er of this 6,000 square foot home was attract­ed to Fox Blocks because of its ener­gy effi­cien­cy but was also hap­py with the ease of con­struc­tion that save time and mon­ey.
Las Vegas Goes Green with ICFs
Thanks to Randy and Bart, many Las Vegas fire sta­tions will be now be built using Fox Blocks core 6″ insu­lat­ed con­crete forms. An excit­ing exam­ple of excel­lent work between a region­al man­ag­er and a top flight local deal­er.

1.05.08 Swimming Pool Engineering Design Guide

Lux­u­ri­ous Cus­tom Home with a Pri­vate Putting Green and Stun­ning Views. The Lake Pow­ell Res­i­dence is sur­round­ed by stun­ning bluffs. With its mod­ern res­i­den­tial design and open-con­cept floor plan, the large out­door decks and patios embrace the beau­ty of the sur­round­ing nature. The back­yard fea­tures a pri­vate putting green with three prac­tice holes and sand trap bunkers for golf prac­tice.
How to Achieve a High Whole-Wall Thermal Performance With Fox Block ICFs
The whole-wall ther­mal per­for­mance of ICF ensures a com­fort­able liv­ing and work­ing space with ener­gy sav­ings and man­age­able bills.
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These own­ers want­ed a 100% self-sus­tain­ing, off-the-grid home. Because of its ener­gy-effi­cien­cy and insu­la­tion prop­er­ties, Fox Blocks ICF was the per­fect solu­tion.
Fox Blocks Fox Clip on short column vertical 5 2011 021.avi

Fox Blocks Fox Clip on short column vertical 5 2011 021.avi