Fox Block Estimating_On Line Version Insulated Concrete Form takeoffs.wmv

Fox Block Estimating_On Line Version Insulated Concrete Form takeoffs.wmv

Fox Blocks ICF Fiber Cement Siding Attachment 4K

Fox Blocks ICF Fiber Cement Siding Attachment 4K

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The home­own­ers dreamed of a Euro­pean style estate that felt like home in Franklin, Ten­nessee. They knew they want­ed to build a con­crete home and when they dis­cov­ered Fox Blocks ICFs they had the per­fect build­ing mate­r­i­al to accom­plish their aes­thet­ic and sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals.
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The project is a key fea­ture and gath­er­ing place in a small city that is plan­ning sub­stan­tial city-wide rede­vel­op­ment. The new 11-screen the­ater is a focal point of this effort and has intro­duced the region to ICF and the ben­e­fits of build­ing with this method.
Fox Blocks 15 story apartments with ICF

Fox Blocks 15 story apartments with ICF