Build a Concrete House and Reap the Energy-Saving Rewards of Thermal Mass Home Design
School With Insulated Concrete Forms Header
Building a Disaster-Resistant School With Insulated Concrete Forms
Can you build and pour concrete in cold weather?
Yes. The forms insu­late the con­crete and enhance the cur­ing process. The top of the forms, or exposed con­crete areas will need to be cov­ered, tem­porar­i­ly, with insu­la­tion to pre­vent the exposed con­crete from freez­ing. Fox Blocks projects can be con­struct­ed any time of the year, no delays for cold weath­er.
Low cost house construction
Low Cost House Construction with Energy-Efficient Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)
What is the R-Value of Concrete? How to Maximize Wall Insulation with ICFs
Fox Blocks Crew pour Insulated Concrete

Fox Blocks Crew pour Insulated Concrete

Insulated Concrete Forms Overview by Fox Blocks ICF

Insulated Concrete Forms Overview by Fox Blocks ICF

Fox Blocks World of Concrete Canada Day Three

Fox Blocks World of Concrete Canada Day Three

Fox Blocks Half Block Insulated Concrete Forms.MOV

Fox Blocks Half Block Insulated Concrete Forms.MOV

Fox Blocks Curb Block Insulated Concrete Forms.MOV

Fox Blocks Curb Block Insulated Concrete Forms.MOV