Replacing Disposable Homes with Durable ICF Construction
In regions prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires, Fox Blocks ICF wall assembly provides an excellent alternative to wood-frame construction.
13 Must Haves for Medical Building Construction
Benefits of Accelerating the Design Process and Construction Completion Schedule
How ICF Reduces Production Time and Costs When Building a Movie Theater
ICF construction expedites the production of a movie theater and reduces labor costs over both wood-frame and CMU construction.
How to Deal with the Rising Cost of Insulation
A combination of ongoing shortages and increasing demand has led to higher prices for fiberglass insulation. What is the best way to deal with it?
Fox Block ICFs Commercial Buildings are Strong, Durable, and Comfortable
23 Must-Haves When Building an Energy-Efficient Home
23 Must-Haves When Building an Energy-Efficient Home
Millennials further appreciate that energy-efficient homes provide a high level of comfort and safety to their families, and will increase the resale value of the house.
Reaching the Tipping Point — ICF vs. Wood Framing
Florida ICF Homes are Energy-Efficient, Storm-Proof, and Durable