How to Define Comfort in a Home
How to Define Comfort in a Home
We all want a com­fort­able home where we can release the stress­es of the day. Fox Blocks presents sev­en tips to help you opti­mize the com­fort of your home.
ICFs and Severe Weather
The steel rein­forced con­crete, which can cure stronger than nor­mal con­crete because of the foam insu­la­tion, can with­stand winds of over 200 MPH, and pro­jec­tile debris trav­el­ing over 100 MPH. There are dozens of eye wit­ness exam­ples of ICF homes tak­ing EF5 tor­na­does head on with the walls still stand­ing.
Do I Really Need a Building Permit for This?
When build­ing a new home or busi­ness, it’s essen­tial for con­trac­tors to obtain a build­ing per­mit and post it at the con­struc­tion site.
4 Tips For Overcoming The Labor Shortage
For com­pa­nies and pro­fes­sion­als suf­fer­ing from the industry’s labor short­age, these four tips can help over­come some of those obsta­cles and keep projects on sched­ule and on bud­get.
14 Benchmarks for Improving Your Construction Business
14 Benchmarks for Improving Your Construction Business
Icf construction training
The Importance of Contractor Training and Product Knowledge
Home plan conversion
10 Ways to Lower Homeowners Insurance Rates
Home­own­ers insur­ance is essen­tial for pro­tect­ing your prop­er­ty and assets, but it does­n’t have to break the bank. Learn­ing how to low­er home insur­ance pre­mi­ums can lead to sub­stan­tial sav­ings.
Is Your Home Built to Fight Fire?
For 2013, the U.S. Fire Admin­is­tra­tion report­ed 1,240,000 house fires. Hous­es con­struct­ed out of ICFs have key advan­tages in min­i­miz­ing the dam­age and spread of these fires.
Highland Hero
Homeowner Saves Time and Energy by Choosing ICF
The own­er of this 6,000 square foot home was attract­ed to Fox Blocks because of its ener­gy effi­cien­cy but was also hap­py with the ease of con­struc­tion that save time and mon­ey.
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10 Ways to Save Money on Your Florida Homeowners Insurance
Flori­da home­own­ers often grap­ple with some of the nation’s high­est insur­ance rates due to the state’s high sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty to hur­ri­canes and severe storms.