Why is the concrete limited to a placement height or lifts of 4 feet (1.2 m)?
To alle­vi­ate the pres­sure from the liq­uid con­crete, the con­crete is placed in lay­ers or lifts’. The first lift is lim­it­ed to 4′ (1.2 m) of con­crete around the perime­ter of the build­ing. This allows approx­i­mate­ly one hour for the con­crete to set-up before con­tin­u­ing with the next 4′ (1.2 m) lift. The low­er lift pro­vides sup­port for the next lift as the con­crete is placed con­tin­u­ous­ly around the build­ing in con­sec­u­tive lifts to the top of the wall.
How to Build a Guest House
How to Build a Guest House: Costs, Speed, and Energy Savings
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9 Benefits of ICF Homes in Canada
ICF homes in Cana­da help builders main­tain their prof­its because of ICFs sta­ble pric­ing and quick con­struc­tion com­pared to above and below grade con­ven­tion­al con­struc­tion.
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The Evolution of Building Inspections
The evolv­ing and improv­ing field of build­ing inspec­tion, along with real estate reg­u­la­tions, enures that today’s buy­ers can make more accu­rate and informed deci­sions on their build­ing pur­chas­es than they could 50 years ago.
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Keep Calm - That School Was Built With ICFs
Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form wall sys­tems, Fox Blocks, are a way to cre­ate an extreme­ly safe struc­ture. When teach­ers and stu­dents return to an ICF school, they are pro­tect­ed against these ele­ments.
How to Cut the EPS Fox Buck
This video cov­ers sev­er­al dif­fer­ent ways to cut the Fox Buck for your next insu­lat­ed con­crete form project.
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How to Attach Siding to an ICF Substrate
Fox Blocks typical bracing on ICF walls with adjustable diagonal kicker plumbs wall

Fox Blocks typical bracing on ICF walls with adjustable diagonal kicker plumbs wall

A Guide to Designing an Energy-Efficient Building in a Hot Climate