Fox Blocks Exterior Trim and Sill Custom Home Greg Able Design

Fox Blocks Exterior Trim and Sill Custom Home Greg Able Design

What is EPS made from?
Poly­styrene is vir­gin mate­r­i­al, man­u­fac­tured from petro­le­um. Poly­styrene beads are expand­ed with steam heat to be up to 40 times their orig­i­nal vol­ume and then the expand­ed beads are mold­ed again by steam heat into 258″ rigid insu­la­tion pan­els to cre­ate a Fox Blocks ICF.
Fox Blocks Announces Membership in the NRMCA
We are excit­ed to announce that Fox Blocks is now a mem­ber of the Nation­al Ready Mix Con­crete Asso­ci­a­tion (NRM­CA).
Fox Blocks How to mark out a form for a length cut quick and easy

Fox Blocks How to mark out a form for a length cut quick and easy

How strong is the Fox Blocks corner 2 of 3 insulated concrete forms icf.wmv

How strong is the Fox Blocks corner 2 of 3 insulated concrete forms icf.wmv

Fox Blocks Wall Configurator User Guide
How do I apply an acrylic stucco finish to an ICF?
Acrylic stuc­co is a thin coat fin­ish which can be direct­ly applied to the EPS insu­la­tion on the exte­ri­or face of the ICF. Fox Blocks pro­vides a con­tin­u­ous EPS sur­face con­ducive for the appli­ca­tion of acrylic stuc­co. All acrylic stuc­co man­u­fac­tures are famil­iar with ICFs as a sub­strate and each have their rec­om­men­da­tions for appli­ca­tion over ICFs. Note there is a dif­fer­ence in the instal­la­tion pro­ce­dures between acrylic stuc­co and tra­di­tion­al stuc­co.
Copy of 14 Finished Exterior
The project was built to cre­ate a sound and visu­al bar­ri­er between the neigh­bor­ing home after a sec­tion of trees on the side yard that joined the two prop­er­ties was cleared.
Fox Blocks World of Concrete Canada Day Two

Fox Blocks World of Concrete Canada Day Two