Fox Blocks Acquiring Key Assets of ARXX Building Products
Fox Blocks ICF announced that it will acquire select key assets from ARXX Build­ing Prod­ucts, inte­grat­ing those assets into its own oper­a­tions and aug­ment­ing the Fox Blocks Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form (ICF) prod­uct line.
How to Cut the EPS Fox Buck
This video cov­ers sev­er­al dif­fer­ent ways to cut the Fox Buck for your next insu­lat­ed con­crete form project.
The ICF Man­u­fac­tur­ers Asso­ci­a­tion (ICF­MA) is very pleased to wel­come its newest Pri­ma­ry Mem­ber, Fox Blocks by Air­lite Plas­tics.
Fox Blocks ICF Partners with Habitat for Humanity
Fox Blocks donat­ed Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Forms (ICF) to the Habi­tat For Humanity’s 30th Annu­al Jim­my and Ros­alynn Carter Work Project. The vol­un­teers and mate­ri­als donat­ed by Fox Blocks will help rebuild the home of Elmer Lamberson’s whose home was lost in Super­storm Sandy.
Fox Blocks ICF Featured on News Segment on Fire Resistant Homes
Fox Blocks was con­tact­ed to sup­ply some info for a quick sto­ry air­ing on Fox News, on fire resis­tant homes and ICFs.
New Training for the Fox Block Interlock
We have found it to be a waste of time and ener­gy to attempt to off­set or stag­ger the block as in the pho­to to the left. By cre­at­ing a ver­ti­cal stacked seam you will be more accu­rate with the job dimen­sions and will increase your prof­it by gain­ing effi­cien­cy.
The Fox Buck and Concrete: How to Before and Afters
In this video, Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen does a walk-through of how to prop­er­ly brace the Fox Buck pri­or to pour­ing the con­crete.
What is the difference between Fox Blocks ICFs and the competitors, and why are Fox Blocks ICFs better? Why should I use Fox Blocks ICFs?
Most ICF blocks share com­mon fea­tures and ben­e­fits. Fox Blocks, as a com­pa­ny, pro­vides 30 years’ expe­ri­ence in prod­uct devel­op­ment, doc­u­men­ta­tion, test­ing and train­ing, as well as ver­sa­til­i­ty in the line of prod­ucts to meet all appli­ca­tions. The key dif­fer­ence comes in the exper­tise and sup­port you get from Fox Blocks. Fox Blocks is the leader in insu­lat­ing con­crete form con­struc­tion – proven in over 100,000 com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial projects across North Amer­i­ca. Exten­sive resources and sup­port sys­tems are avail­able to ensure your project’s suc­cess from start to fin­ish. Please vis­it our web­site www.Fox Blocks​.com to review our project gallery and find more detailed doc­u­men­ta­tion on the prod­ucts and the appli­ca­tions. Fox Blocks also pro­vides a toll free num­ber for Cus­tomer and Tech­ni­cal Sup­port 8773692562.
Fox Blocks pour day Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks pour day Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Low Income Housing Lubbock TX

Fox Blocks Low Income Housing Lubbock TX