Fox 2
5 Reasons Why ICF Offers The Best Wall Construction for Passive House Design
Family friendly
8 Impressive Modern Homes Built with ICF
Any sus­tain­abil­i­ty con­sul­tant will tell you that a building’s insu­la­tion is a cru­cial part in con­struct­ing an ener­gy-effi­cient, high per­for­mance home. Choos­ing the right mate­r­i­al and insu­la­tion method for a build ensures home­own­ers will have a sus­tain­able build­ing enve­lope for the life cycle of the home.
Powell full finished
How to Build Medical Office Buildings Faster
How to build a house foundation
How to Build a House Foundation: 7 Steps to get a Solid Foundation
Fox 4
A Look at the Rising Cost of Lumber in Home Building
A slow­down at the lum­ber mills due to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, com­bined with oth­er fac­tors, has led to lum­ber short­ages and sky­rock­et­ing prices.
Fox Block IC Fs Commercial Buildings
Fox Block ICFs Commercial Buildings are Strong, Durable, and Comfortable
Using ICF to Build a Home with Modern Adobe Style Walls
The design flex­i­bil­i­ty of Fox Blocks can eas­i­ly enhance an adobe style home that is com­fort­able, ener­gy-effi­cient, dis­as­ter-resis­tant, and durable.
ICF vs Wood Framing: Reaching the Tipping Point
Reaching the Tipping Point — ICF vs. Wood Framing
Icf hotel
How ICFs Provide Airtight and Fire-Resistant Common Walls for Multi-Family Buildings
Pool House Construction: Costs, Materials, Plans, and More