Building for the Future: Exploring ICF Construction in Washington State

The Advantages of ICF Construction for Multiplex Housing

How Much Does an ICF Foundation Cost?
When it comes to building a sturdy, energy-efficient foundation for your home, insulated concrete form (ICF) technology is rapidly growing in popularity. By providing superior insulation, an ICF foundation can significantly reduce heating and cooling costs. Building an ICF foundation can also be easier and less labor-intensive than traditional construction due to the lightweight materials involved. However, the initial cost can sometimes be higher than traditional construction methods, so how much does an ICF foundation cost?

5 Tips for Choosing the Best ICF Block Systems

The Benefits of Building Multi-story Residential Buildings with ICF Blocks

4 Alternative Materials for Wood in Construction
Wood has been a staple in construction for centuries. From the humble log cabin to the towering skyscrapers of modern metropolises, wood always seems to find its place in construction.

CMU Walls: Advantages, Disadvantages and A Better Option
Insulated concrete form blocks provide a host of advantages over traditional CMUs, including better energy efficiency, easier construction, and improved resilience.

What Are the Differences Between AAC and ICF Construction?
When considering AAC vs ICF construction, it’s important to know the differences, pros, and cons.

8 Tips for Sustainable Home Building

How to Build a Wind-Resistant Home with Fox Blocks ICFs
Tragically, between 2000 and 2017 there were 894 wind and 1417 tornado-related deaths. In 2017, 36 percent of the wind and 63 percent of the tornado-related fatalities happened either in a mobile or permanent home. A wind-resistant design is critical to a home’s integrity and a family’s safety.