Fox Block IC Fs Commercial Buildings
Fox Block ICFs Commercial Buildings are Strong, Durable, and Comfortable
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House Framing 101 - How to Select the Best Framing Option for Your Home
Using ICF to Build a Home with Modern Adobe Style Walls
The design flex­i­bil­i­ty of Fox Blocks can eas­i­ly enhance an adobe style home that is com­fort­able, ener­gy-effi­cient, dis­as­ter-resis­tant, and durable.
Energy modeling
How to Measure and Plan for Energy Efficiency in Your Building
As cli­mate change becomes a greater issue, archi­tects are under increas­ing pres­sure to design sus­tain­able, yet high-per­for­mance build­ings. In this blog, we go over some effec­tive strate­gies you can use dur­ing the design process to enhance your building’s ener­gy effi­cien­cy
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Improve the Comfort and Health of a Building with Soundproof Exterior Walls
The need to incor­po­rate sound­proof­ing fea­tures in the exte­ri­or walls of today’s homes and build­ings has increased in recent decades. Urban­iza­tion, pop­u­la­tion growth, and an increase in air, rail, and high­way traf­fic all have con­tributed to a wide­spread esca­la­tion of noise pol­lu­tion.
Achieve a Net Zero Office Building With These Architectural Tips
Archi­tects can achieve an NZE office build­ing with inno­v­a­tive mate­ri­als and meth­ods. Please read on for ten archi­tec­tur­al tips for design­ing an NZE office build­ing.
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13 Vital Features of a Distribution Center in 2020
In 2020, as E‑commerce con­tin­ues to grow, busi­ness­es need big­ger, more finan­cial­ly-effi­cient and func­tion­al dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ters.
Fox 4
Florida ICF Homes are Energy-Efficient, Storm-Proof, and Durable
Fire Resistant Building Header
The Ideal Design of a Fire-Resistant Building
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ICF Basements 101: Everything You Need to Know Before You Build