1.13.05 Comparative Analysis - Wood Frame Walls vs ICF

ASTM D635 Rate of Burning of Plastics Test Data Report

5 Must-Haves for High Performance Building Envelope Systems
ICF Tornado Safe Rooms Header
ICC 500 Missile Impact Testing Requirements for Storm Shelters and Safe Rooms
Fox Blocks announces that their ICF wall assem­bly passed the ICC 500 required Mis­sile Impact test used to deter­mine com­pli­ance of storm shel­ter and safe room design and con­struc­tion from fly­ing debris in severe high-wind weath­er events.
Icf block systems
5 Tips for Choosing the Best ICF Block Systems
15 Final
This own­er-builder want­ed an attrac­tive, afford­able relax­ation spa that he could build him­self on week­ends. He designed the project to repli­cate a wine bar­rel pro­trud­ing from the ground, invit­ing one and all to enjoy a glass and stay awhile.
Fox Blocks - Placing Concrete in a 5/12 Gable

Fox Blocks - Placing Concrete in a 5/12 Gable

Fox Blocks Fox Buck Install Malibu CA 5 2013

Fox Blocks Fox Buck Install Malibu CA 5 2013

20180906 102031
This build gave 30 high school stu­dents hands-on expe­ri­ence build­ing a home with Fox Blocks ICF from the ground up.
Correctly Estimating the Cost of a Building Project: 5 Tips
Project cost is one of the most dif­fi­cult — and most impor­tant — esti­ma­tions for any con­struc­tion com­pa­ny to get right. You want to be able to set man­age­able expec­ta­tions for your client, but also present a bud­get that is attrac­tive enough for them to choose you as their gen­er­al or sub-con­trac­tor while still mak­ing a prof­it your­self.