6 Tips for Designing a Minimalist House Exterior
Minimalist architecture materials and design always aim for functionality. Fox Blocks presents six suggestions on materials for designing a minimalist house exterior.
Round Top Openings with the Fox Buck: A How To
Fox Block’s Glen Klassen shows you how to get it done for three different radiuses.

Highlights of The 2021 ICF Builder Awards
White Paper: Effects of the Thermal Envelope on Home Energy Efficiency
In this white paper, Fox Blocks explore the science behind creating a good thermal envelope with insulated concrete forms.

How to Define Comfort in a Home
We all want a comfortable home where we can release the stresses of the day. Fox Blocks presents seven tips to help you optimize the comfort of your home.

Using ICF to Build a Home with Modern Adobe Style Walls
The design flexibility of Fox Blocks can easily enhance an adobe style home that is comfortable, energy-efficient, disaster-resistant, and durable.
Build to Resist Tornadoes: Storm Safe ICF Structures
Research by Texas Tech Wind Science and Engineering Research Center has demonstrated that ICF walls better protect occupants of houses from windblown debris, than frame walls. Being hit by windblown debris is the most common cause of injury during tornadoes.

The Superior Thermal Performance of ICF Lintels over Wood Lintels

The Best ICF Pool Coating Options

The Power of Insulated Concrete Forms: Maximizing R-Value in Your Construction Project