Reduce Moisture Problems with ICF Construction
Reduce Moisture Problems with ICF Construction
You can avoid stud-fram­ing mois­ture prob­lems by choos­ing a mois­ture-resis­tant insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) foun­da­tion for your new home.
Fox 4
21 Construction Techniques to Build a Small, Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Home
6 Alternative Building Materials for 2019
17 Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Building
17 Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Building
Fox Blocks Ensure an Energy-Efficient Home in Hot and Humid Dallas
Fox Blocks Ensure an Energy-Efficient Home in Hot and Humid Dallas
Record-Low HERS Index Score Attained with Net-Zero Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Home
ICF House Still Standing After Storm
ICF Houses Still Standing After Storms
What is a Good R Value for Exterior Walls?
Build a Resilient Building Design with Fox Blocks ICFs
Resilient build­ings made with Fox Blocks ICFs will pro­tect a com­mer­cial build­ing’s integri­ty against severe winds, flood­ing, earth­quakes, extreme tem­per­a­tures, and fire.