Decoding Net Zero Homes 2
Decoding Net-Zero Homes: Understanding the Concept and How to Build
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The Evolution of Building Inspections
The evolv­ing and improv­ing field of build­ing inspec­tion, along with real estate reg­u­la­tions, enures that today’s buy­ers can make more accu­rate and informed deci­sions on their build­ing pur­chas­es than they could 50 years ago.
Fox 1
ICF Home Plans are Versatile and Limitless in Design Options
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Understanding Insurance When Building a New Home
Under­stand­ing insur­ance is key when build­ing a new home — for both home­own­ers and builders.
Fox 4
Florida ICF Homes are Energy-Efficient, Storm-Proof, and Durable
How to build an apartment complex 2
How to Build an Apartment Complex Faster (and Better)
The future of apart­ment build­ing con­struc­tion lies in lever­ag­ing inno­v­a­tive mate­ri­als and process­es to deliv­er bet­ter projects faster and more effi­cient­ly
What is the Optimal Foundation Wall Thickness
What is the Optimal Foundation Wall Thickness?
A con­crete foun­da­tion wal­l’s thick­ness plays an inte­gral role in its long-term strength and dura­bil­i­ty. Local build­ing codes man­date the foun­da­tion spec­i­fi­ca­tions, address­ing con­di­tions that affect the foun­da­tion thick­ness.
Fox 2
Essential Elements of Passive House Design