How to Build a Flood-Resistant House
In this article, we’ll explore flood proof home construction using innovative materials and techniques, with a focus on insulated concrete forms (ICFs).
13 Must Haves for Medical Building Construction
Building Blocks: The Essentials of Modern and Efficient Elementary School Construction
Wind Resistant Buildings: Creating a Solid Design with ICF Blocks
Wall systems constructed with Fox Blocks insulated concrete forms (ICFs ) ensure a wind-resistant structure with a strong continuous load path that holds the roof, walls, floors, and foundation together during an intense wind event.
Rebuilding a Commercial Building After a Flood
What is the R-Value of Concrete? How to Maximize Wall Insulation with ICFs
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Dental Office?
Building a dental office involves meticulous planning, both in terms of design and finances. One of the most common questions that arises is, “how much does it cost to build a dental office?” The answer can vary significantly based on several factors, including location, size, and chosen materials, but knowing the most important parameters can help keep costs in line. This article delves into the specific components and expenses associated with building a dental office.
How to Speed Up New Home Construction
Lightweight and sturdy ICFs, like Fox Blocks, speed up new home construction with quick and easy installation, guaranteed availability, and both hot and cold temperature resistance.
Building Energy-Efficient, Safe, and Healthy Low-Income Housing with Fox Blocks ICFs
Lock-and-Leave Home Design: How to Increase Your Free Time and Security
With so many homeowners looking for ways to cut back on their busy lives and enjoy more quality time with friends and families, the lock-and-leave home seems to be the perfect solution.