Pool Foundation Built with ICFs
The Best Material Options for a Reliable Pool Foundation
Back to Basics: Advantages of Fox Blocks ICF Forms
The advan­tages of Fox Blocks ICFs are sev­er­al. Fox Blocks pro­vide a clever design that has the good fea­tures of the tried and true ear­ly brands of ICFs, and then has incor­po­rat­ed sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments, which enhance the ease of use to the installer.
Interior of ICF House
How Much Does an ICF House Cost to Build?
ICC 500 Storm Shelter with ICF
Understanding ICC 500 Storm Shelter Requirements and the Best Materials to Utilize
The own­ers want­ed an afford­able cus­tom home that could with­stand Chesa­peake Bay weath­er.
Understanding Current Supply Chain Woes and the Lack of Skilled and Unskilled Labor
Understanding Current Supply Chain Woes and the Lack of Skilled and Unskilled Labor
How Much Does It Cost to Pour a Foundation?
Build­ing a strong and reli­able foun­da­tion is a sig­nif­i­cant step in the con­struc­tion of any home or build­ing. The cost of this process varies depend­ing on foun­da­tion type, mate­r­i­al, and labor require­ments.
11 Healthy Building Products for New Home Construction
The Best Vapor Systems for Basement Walls
IMG 1673 1
8 Tips for Contractors Installing ICF on Commercial Projects
Com­mer­cial ICF instal­la­tion can seem com­pli­cat­ed and over­whelm­ing if you don’t go in prepped and pre­pared. Keep read­ing to learn eight of our best tips for installing ICF on com­mer­cial projects.