Fox Blocks Whitecourt Shop Part 2 - Above Grade Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Whitecourt Shop Part 2 - Above Grade Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks Another School Exceeds latest Energy Code Requirments

Fox Blocks Another School Exceeds latest Energy Code Requirments

Fox Blocks World of Concrete Canada Day Three

Fox Blocks World of Concrete Canada Day Three

Fox Blocks corners other than 45 or 90

Fox Blocks corners other than 45 or 90

ASTM D1929 Ignition Properties of Plastic Webs \n3105051SAT 001 Report 11 15 07

Fox Blocks ICF offered an ener­gy-effi­cient solu­tion for a build­ing full of pres­sur­ized mois­ture because mois­ture does not affect the ICF, even over the long term. Pota­to stor­age is at a con­stant 100% rel­a­tive humid­i­ty and 1.5 cfm pres­sure, which caus­es oth­er forms of con­struc­tion to go through com­plex detail­ing to keep mois­ture out of the wall cav­i­ty.