Cavity vs. Continuous Insulation: Discover the Best Option for Maximum Efficiency
ICF Tornado Safe Rooms or Shelters for Homes and Small Businesses
Does Concrete Mix Really Matter?
Proper concrete mix saves time on labor, facilitates concrete consolidation and ensures a successful Fox Blocks wall pour.
7 Things to Know About Basement Insulation Code
For building code basement insulation, there are 7 important things to know.
ICF Construction Protects Homes and Families from Tornados
12 Easy Steps for High-Performance, Healthy Homes
Builders and homeowners that follow these 12 easy steps for home design and construction will create a high-performing and healthy home that is comfortable and safe.
Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important & How to Create It
Experts agree that controlling or conditioning indoor air is the best way for a business to increase employee efficiency and to reduce costs connected with employee health care.
What is a Shear Wall and How Does it Protect Your Building?
Construction of a shear wall includes materials and design that enhance a structure’s stiffness, strength, and ductility in order to withstand lateral forces from severe winds and earthquakes.
10 House Construction Ideas For Your New Build
Constructing a new home is a significant project filled with decisions about aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. For homeowners looking to merge innovation with practicality, there are several cool ideas for new home construction.
Home Construction: Built to Endure Hurricanes
A few surviving houses caught the eye of media outlets around the world, seemingly untouched by Hurricane Michael’s destruction. What made these houses different?