The Fox Buck - Take the Wood out of Windows and Doors
Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen gives an overview of the Fox Buck ICF win­dow and door buck.
White Paper: Effects of the Thermal Envelope on Home Energy Efficiency
In this white paper, Fox Blocks explore the sci­ence behind cre­at­ing a good ther­mal enve­lope with insu­lat­ed con­crete forms.
Fire Resistant Building Header
The Ideal Design of a Fire-Resistant Building
Building Fire-Resistant Homes with Fox Blocks ICFs
Building Fire-Resistant Homes with Fox Blocks ICFs
Fortified home cosntruction
Staying Safe: Fortified Construction Protects Your Home & Family
For­ti­fied home con­struc­tion refers to using mate­ri­als and tech­niques in com­bi­na­tion with one anoth­er to make your home stronger and more resilient as a shel­ter.
Top Tips for Building a FEMA Approved Storm Shelters
The Anatomy of a High Performance Home
A mod­ern, high-per­for­mance home pro­vides you with ener­gy-effi­cien­cy, safe­ty, and a high-lev­el of indoor envi­ron­ment qual­i­ty (IEQ) for your fam­i­ly’s com­fort.
How to Build a 4-Hour Fire Wall: Thickness, Materials, and Assembly
Design Workplace Structure that Minimizes Virus Transmission
How to Design a Structure that Minimizes Virus Transmission in the Workplace
Flexible design
Your Guide to Building a Home With the Future in Mind
Some clients might want to leave the home to future gen­er­a­tions of fam­i­ly mem­bers, while oth­ers may have a pas­sion for envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Com­ments like that all point to the same thing: a client who wants a home designed with the future in mind. And, by keep­ing up with the lat­est devel­op­ments in future-focused design, you can pro­vide the solu­tion.