Insulated Concrete Form Estimator
Fox Blocks Esti­ma­tor PRO4 is now LIVE and avail­able to down­load and use for project take offs and esti­mates! Esti­mate ICF quan­ti­ties includ­ing spe­cial­ty blocks, open­ing mate­r­i­al, ancil­lary prod­ucts, lin­eal feet of rebar, vol­ume of con­crete and man hours for a spe­cif­ic job.
Structural Insulated Panels SI Ps Vs Insulated Concrete Forms IC Fs Header
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) Vs. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
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Insulated Concrete Form Installation Checklist
Check­lists can be an impor­tant part of any project. We’ve cre­at­ed a series of instal­la­tion check­lists bro­ken out in phas­es to help you be the most effi­cient with your next ICF project.
Attaching Floor Joists to Your Insulated Concrete Forms
Just one way to attach your floor sys­tem to the side of a Fox Blocks wall when build­ing with Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Forms for mul­ti­ple sto­ries of con­struc­tion.
Insulated Concrete Forms Header
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) Vs. Wood-Frame Construction
Insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICF) cre­ate a more ener­gy-effi­cient, qui­et, and healthy build­ing than one built with wood-frame con­struc­tion. ICF build­ings are also more resis­tant to dis­as­ter, fire, insect, and mois­ture intru­sion than wood-frame struc­tures.
The Power of Insulated Concrete Forms: Maximizing R-Value in Your Construction Project
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Insulated Concrete Forms: Pros and Cons
Tilt Up Construction and Insulated Concrete Forms
Last year Fox Blocks decid­ed we could add speed and val­ue to the Tilt Up indus­try and it took all of 2 weeks to get the Fox Tilt insert engi­neered, mold made, and pro­duc­tion start­ed. I can’t stop grin­ning about the capa­bil­i­ties of our par­ent Air­lite Plas­tics.
11 Problems Associated with Structural Insulated Panels and a Better Alternative