Can masonry be installed on the exterior walls?
Yes, Fox Blocks has a brick ledge form and the xLer­a­tor ledge rein­force­ment that is designed to sup­port mason­ry. Fox blocks also has a tieKey acces­so­ry which is a specif­i­cal­ly made as a mason­ry tie, to be insert­ed through the form into the con­crete.
Where can I purchase the product?
Fox Blocks has a wide-rang­ing net­work of knowl­edge­able prod­uct dis­trib­u­tors and trained installers across North Amer­i­ca; con­tact Fox Blocks Cus­tomer Ser­vice to find the clos­est Fox Blocks prod­uct dis­trib­u­tor or trained installer in your area.