Can masonry be installed on the exterior walls?
Yes, Fox Blocks has a brick ledge form and the xLer­a­tor ledge rein­force­ment that is designed to sup­port mason­ry. Fox blocks also has a tieKey acces­so­ry which is a specif­i­cal­ly made as a mason­ry tie, to be insert­ed through the form into the con­crete.
Fox Blocks Masonry Scaffold Hybrid Insulated Concrete Forms tall wall.MOV

Fox Blocks Masonry Scaffold Hybrid Insulated Concrete Forms tall wall.MOV

Can I install a 16' garage door and / or large openings in a concrete wall?
Yes, if the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria is avail­able for the design of a con­crete lin­tel (beam) over the open­ing – con­crete lin­tel depth min­i­mum 16″ (400 mm) or more with no point loads. Larg­er open­ings would require an engi­neered design.
Fox Blocks How to Use frame scaffold hybrid on tall wall Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks How to Use frame scaffold hybrid on tall wall Insulated Concrete Forms

What size and how much steel reinforcement is required in an ICF?

Fox Blocks walls are designed as rein­forced con­crete walls, with steel rein­force­ment bars spec­i­fied to be installed ver­ti­cal­ly and hor­i­zon­tal­ly, as the walls are built. Typ­i­cal rein­force­ment bar sizes used are #4 or #5 (10 m or 15 m).

What Additional Insulation Do You Need for an ICF Home
What Additional Insulation Do You Need for an ICF Home?
Easy-to-install ICF wall sys­tems help cre­ate ener­gy-effi­cient, durable, dis­as­ter-resis­tant, and healthy homes. But do you need addi­tion­al wall insu­la­tion for ICF homes?
Image 22
The for­ward-think­ing police depart­ment in Saugeen Shores want­ed a bul­let- proof, state-of-the-art sta­tion. The design was devel­oped with expan­sion in mind so the head­quar­ters can grow with the neigh­bor­hoods that the depart­ment serves.
2016 CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER finished 2 sign
The build­ing fea­tures an impres­sive mix of tall wall ICF, steel, and glaz­ing.
How do I protect the ICFs below grade?

All ICF walls below grade, that have hab­it­able space on one side (base­ment), must have a water­proof­ing / damp­proof­ing mem­brane installed. For walls that do not have hab­it­able space on one side (crawl space, frost walls, etc.) the EPS can be left exposed to the earth. The EPS will not dete­ri­o­rate when exposed to the earth.