Fox Blocks Featured On ProudGreenBuilding
Fox Blocks was con­tact­ed to sup­ply some info for a quick sto­ry air­ing on Fox News, on fire resis­tant homes and ICFs.
Fox Blocks ICF Featured on News Segment on Fire Resistant Homes
Fox Blocks was con­tact­ed to sup­ply some info for a quick sto­ry air­ing on Fox News, on fire resis­tant homes and ICFs.
Social Media, Inbox?
As I try to break into…..or attempt to uti­lize or at least sign up…….on some of the new social media or medi­ums that con­tin­ue to grow in pop­u­lar­i­ty, I real­ize that I must be old! Very, very old! I thought that my col­league out west Mr. Siz­zle” was about my age, but he is def­i­nite­ly young when it comes to all of these tech­nolo­gies!
What Do You Mean You Havent Heard of an ICF
What Do You Mean You Haven’t Heard of an ICF?
Fox Blocks Inte­grat­ed Learn­ing Cen­ter’s (ILC) online train­ing pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive step-by-step prac­tices for ade­quate­ly installing insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICFs).
Icf construction training
The Importance of Contractor Training and Product Knowledge
Important Considerations for Building an Energy Efficient Home in California
Interior of ICF House
How Much Does an ICF House Cost to Build?
WOC 2011 - Great Kick Off
Trav­el­ing back to my home/​office in Atlanta from the recent World of Con­crete Show in Las Vegas, I was able to reflect on some of our company’s recent achieve­ments. The recent World of Con­crete show gave our com­pa­ny a plat­form or per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to…
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8 Tips for Contractors Installing ICF on Commercial Projects
Com­mer­cial ICF instal­la­tion can seem com­pli­cat­ed and over­whelm­ing if you don’t go in prepped and pre­pared. Keep read­ing to learn eight of our best tips for installing ICF on com­mer­cial projects.