Does EPS absorb water?
No, EPS is a closed cell foam and does not act like a sponge or absorb water.
How do I protect the ICFs below grade?

All ICF walls below grade, that have hab­it­able space on one side (base­ment), must have a water­proof­ing / damp­proof­ing mem­brane installed. For walls that do not have hab­it­able space on one side (crawl space, frost walls, etc.) the EPS can be left exposed to the earth. The EPS will not dete­ri­o­rate when exposed to the earth.

When can I backfill the foundation wall?
The con­crete must cure for a min­i­mum of 7 days and the foun­da­tion wall must be lat­er­al­ly sup­port­ed, mean­ing the floor sys­tem is installed sup­port­ing the top of the wall. All below grade water­proof­ing / damp­proof­ing must be installed.
Can I leave Fox Blocks forms exposed to ultraviolet rays for an extended period (months)?
Yes, but you will notice a light dust­ing on the sur­face and a yel­low­ing dis­col­oration of the forms. This does not indi­cate any detri­men­tal effects to the ICFs. We do sug­gest, that if the exte­ri­or fin­ish is not going to be installed with­in around a 3 month peri­od or more, the forms be pro­tect­ed from UV rays by installing a tem­po­rary build­ing wrap type mate­r­i­al. The pow­dery film must be removed with soap and water before the appli­ca­tion of a syn­thet­ic stuc­co fin­ish or water­proof­ing mem­brane.