Waterproofing Below-Grade Insulated Concrete Forms
1.02.17 Waterproofing Below Grade Walls (CAN)
1.02.16 Waterproofing and Dampproofing Below Grade Walls (US)
Fox Blocks Common Waterproofing System Peel n Stick Membranes
1.02.03 8 inch Foundations
1.02.02 6 inch Foundations
How do I protect the ICFs below grade?
All ICF walls below grade, that have habitable space on one side (basement), must have a waterproofing / dampproofing membrane installed. For walls that do not have habitable space on one side (crawl space, frost walls, etc.) the EPS can be left exposed to the earth. The EPS will not deteriorate when exposed to the earth.
1.15.01 Compatible Products
When can I backfill the foundation wall?
The concrete must cure for a minimum of 7 days and the foundation wall must be laterally supported, meaning the floor system is installed supporting the top of the wall. All below grade waterproofing / dampproofing must be installed.
Can I leave Fox Blocks forms exposed to ultraviolet rays for an extended period (months)?
Yes, but you will notice a light dusting on the surface and a yellowing discoloration of the forms. This does not indicate any detrimental effects to the ICFs. We do suggest, that if the exterior finish is not going to be installed within around a 3 month period or more, the forms be protected from UV rays by installing a temporary building wrap type material. The powdery film must be removed with soap and water before the application of a synthetic stucco finish or waterproofing membrane.